WITH Application Introduction

WITH Application Introduction


There’s one common decision that every single one of us will make at some point in our lives, including you. We’ll decide whether we believe that God exists and, if so, is he as described in the Bible. Even if you decide that you don’t want to make that decision, or don’t want to even think about it – you’ve made the decision. That decision has enormous implications for your life every single day. Unfortunately, we don’t fully understand those implications until we’ve made the decision to believe, investigated the evidence and then established a relationship with the God who created us.

At this point in your life, that may, or may not, sound like something you’re interested in doing, but here’s why you should consider investing a few brain cycles into it. Those every day implications are affecting your life right now. And they will tomorrow too, and the next day. If you want to take more control over your life, and be involved in changes to our society that will keep our culture from breaking apart, you can at least listen to the concept we’re putting forth here. You don’t have to make any quick decisions. Just listen to the arguments, and watch as brick is laid upon brick (or pixels are filled in, whichever metaphor you prefer) and see how it all fits together.

The bottom line is that it all fits together. Our whole world around us and all the events that are happening all fit together. They are part of a huge complex, interconnected set of rules and systems and outcomes that only make sense once the whole puzzle is put together, but once it’s put together, the whole picture makes sense.

In this section of Defending The Foundation, we’ll talk about current events that are happening and explain how they fit into the big picture – the picture that is the true reality about how it all fits together. Don’t expect it to make sense at first. In fact, that’s the first brick to lay in the foundation.

None of this will make sense initially because it doesn’t fit with what you’ve been hearing from our culture. It fits exactly with reality, but not with the narrative our culture has been putting forth. How can that be? Because the message that our culture provides is based on 1) majority opinion and 2) the opinions of those in positions of power and influence. Neither of those are necessarily based in truth. In fact, today, neither one is.

That’s sort of hard to imagine, isn’t it? That’s the whole point. If “they,” those invested in the majority’s opinion and those who have out-sized influence can repeat the same message over and over through multiple communication methods, their message will seem like the truth – even though it’s not. Even when it’s a lie. Those who are rebelling against the truth either know overtly, or at least in the back of their mind, that their perspective is not based on truth. They are nervous and hyper-sensitive about being exposed so they do everything they can to quash the truth and repeat their narrative. Over time, their perspective has diverted from the truth more and more, and has gotten to the point where it’s headed the opposite direction of the truth. It’s that growing disparity between the truth and the common narrative that is at the core of many problems were are experiencing in our culture today.

There has never been the widespread depression and anxiety that we’re experiencing today. People are pulled between the realities that they at least subconsciously know are true and the message that they are hearing over and over from social media, the Main Stream Media (MSM), movies and schools. The cognitive dissonance is deafening.

Eventually, we realize that the narrative we’ve been told by our culture is the truth is actually leading to more and more chaos. I review a list of that chaos in the first chapter of the book Why Is This Happening?! As long as that list is, it’s just a small portion of what I could list. You’re probably asking “But how is it possible that reality is so different from what I hear all the time?” It happens because we are so focused on what our senses experience every day. There’s only so many brain cycles in a day and when the world overwhelms us with a certain theme over and over, there aren’t enough brain cycles left to focus on the important things:

  • What’s true

  • What’s good

  • What’s peaceful

That’s why people like to “get away” now and then. We have to get out of town and go somewhere that all the noise of our society can’t keep up with us. Over time, we’ve lost track of where to refocus, where to reconnect to. It’s even easy to turn to the culture that’s distracting us from the truth to hear it’s perspective on where to reconnect to.

If we look back at any culture in history, we can see what they tied their ship to. Each culture focused mainly on the majority’s opinion of the day. Looking from the outside in, we can see that in every case, they thought they were the smart ones and they could laugh at the mistakes made by previous cultures, but they couldn’t see the mistakes their own culture was making. They couldn’t see what lies were a part of their culture’s truth at the time – whether it was a flat earth or the blindness of 1930’s Germany.

Unfortunately, humankind doesn’t really change and we’re in the same boat. We think we’re the smart generation and culture that has it all figured out, all the while believing in our own current set of lies without the ability to look at ourselves from the outside and see what we’re doing. Historians hundreds of years from now will be able to easily interpret our times through the lens of consequences our culture will live through in the next few years.

The next few years, 2024 and 2025, will be life changing times for us. We have to make sure we connect our lives and our culture to the one anchor that can pull us back to centerline, back into the balance that we knew for millenia. Every post after this one will be different for those who have chosen to be a Defender of the truth and subscribe for the weekly newsletters. You’ll receive a weekly newsletter that talks about current events and explains them from the WITH perspective. Those who have not subscribed to be Defenders, but have signed up for the free newsletter, will receive a monthly newsletter that covers the same topics in a more summary fashion. It allows you to be aware of the cause of the most critical current events, but the Defenders will get deeper explanations that the general public does not see.

Here’s a link to sign up for one or the other.