I Want to Help the Cause

I Want to Help the Cause

Spread this message to the World!

We appreciate your interest in helping to get this message out to the world. Yes, our goal is to bring this message to the whole world and help people to apply God’s truth to their daily lives. It has to go around the world because of our inter-related world today. When you help others to understand that God’s word is the one and only truth that matters, they can influence others to make our world the place that God intended and we can all live happier lives in peace. You can help us to reach these key goals:


The truth and importance of the gospel has been diminished over the years, leading those rebelling against God to believe there are few to no consequences for their ignoring God. We have to get the message to as many people as possible that God created us all, loves us all and will judge us all – and his word is true. Everything that happens in our world either aligns with God’s word or it rebels against it. Educating as many people as possible is the only way to save our world from the path it’s currently on.


Everyone who understands the importance of God in our lives needs to influence those around them to do the same. People of Godly character need to bring their children up in the faith, run for the school board, get involved in the marketplace of ideas and be prepared to defend the faith against those who oppose God. A deeper understanding of this game of life we’re in and the rules by which the Rebels are opposing your values should spur everyone to prepare for the game, react as necessary, and to proactively take preventative action.


The bottom line of all of this is what really matters for eternity – saving as many souls as possible so they can spend eternity in heaven with God and with us. Faith in God starts with hearing his word. Once we share the word, God can work in their heart so they believe, but someone has to share the good news, and you can help to make that happen.

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Please note that Defending the Foundation is an incorporated LLC that is not a 501c3 not-for-profit organization. We incorporated that way so that the government would not be able to limit what we say. Some of what we say will not be looked upon favorably by many people in power and that fact is key to understanding how we got into the situation we’re in. Our culture is designed to be self-affirming, and dissent that includes reference to God is often censored or illegal. Being able to discuss the whole truth is critical to understanding what is happening and why. Help us to encourage complete and open conversations where all facts can be laid on the table.

Your contribution to Defending The Foundation is much more than just a contribution to a ministry. You are helping to grow God’s kingdom here on earth and God will appreciate that. He knows everything that we do so he will know that you have made a conscious choice to give back to him some of what he has graciously blessed you with. If more people do what you are doing, our world will be a much better place. Thank you for helping us to educate more people on the impact of knowing God’s truth.