Dig Deeper


Into the Why Is This Happening?! book

What is this site about and why should you spend some time here?

What our culture has been doing the last 60 years has not been working and we are headed toward grave consequences in 2024 and 2025. We all have to understand what’s going on – the true root causes – or we’ll never be able to correct our trajectory. Defending The Foundation will get to the point and not beat around the bush. We’ll talk about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – whether the truth is popular or whether it’s censored. We’re also not afraid to ask about the elephant in the room. We plan to cover topics of local, national and global concern in a way that you’ll seldom see anywhere else.

How will it be different and why?

There are hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands, of websites where you can read about the news – the current events that are happening in your country and around the world. Many of them just want to be the first to report the news. A subset of those sights also gives their perspective of the news, adding the context that they want you to have about the events. That’s great as long as the context is based on truth but they can’t all be based on the truth because they don’t all agree. If they were all truth-based, they would, by definition, all have to agree – but they don’t. Then again, they could all be wrong or the majority could be wrong.

If they are not giving the context based on the truth, it’s worse than just a waste of your time. It distracts you from knowing the truth. Even worse is when a majority of news sources are all consistently telling you a common narrative that is consistent but is not based on the truth. And you know why they do this – because a lie that is repeated over and over again, eventually seems like the truth to most people. They come to accept the lie as truth because, after all, everybody knows it’s true (supposedly).

It’s time to ask yourself a very serious question.

Does the culture you live in have a rock solid safeguard against lies being spread as truth? Typically, not. Goerge Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, described a government in the future that had a Ministry of Truth, supposedly for that purpose. In reality, the purpose of that government agency was to spread propaganda that was beneficial to the government. It essentially called all truth “lies” and labelled its lies as the truth. It even manufactured new words so they could propagate them around society with the context that was favorable to the tyrannical government. Does that sound familiar?

It’s critical for any regulation of truth to be based on truth. Otherwise, it’s the perfect means for a tyrannical government to shut down the truth. Which do you think is about to happen in our world? Is our culture about to know for certain where truth comes from and set a process to detect all lies and erase them from our public discussions? Or do we have a set of world leaders that are about to unleash their efforts to fully control societies around the world and will use their powerful governments, organizations, banks and enormous wealth to shut down all open discussion and viewpoints that will oppose their lies?

How you answer that question will determine if you think there’s value in regularly returning to this site.

If you’ve read the book, Why Is This Happening?!, you’ll know that truth is not determined by majority opinion.

The book lays an extensive foundation for everything on this site so if you haven’t read it, many of the points made here will not make sense. In fact, they’ll seem like nonsense if you think the current majority opinion of our culture has determined what is true. If you have read the book, this site will continue to fill in the pixels, just like moving from a 1080p to a 4K television screen.

Your time spent here will be valuable because this will be the one site where you can get an explanation of what is happening in our world and why – based on the one truth that exists – the truth that has existed from the beginning of our universe and will rule until the end of the universe, regardless of what a culture thinks (at their moment in time) is actually true.

It’s going to take a while to fully understand this. It has taken me decades, and I want to help you to see this in the full, proper perspective in as short of period of time as possible.

This is not my personal perspective that I’ve made up. It’s what I’ve come to understand about God’s perspective and how absolute that is. Think about it this way. The Bible says it is God’s word. Humans wrote it but it was fully inspired by God. It claims to be THE truth. Jesus didn’t say he would tell us the truth. He said he IS the truth. The very nature of God is THE truth. The one and only truth that is true. He created our whole universe and everything in it. That is either the truth or it’s a very comprehensive deception. I didn’t know for years if it was the truth and I didn’t think it was possible to ever know for sure until we die. Out of curiosity, and some desperation in a difficult time in my life, I decided to investigate for myself. Only after dipping my toes into it for years and years did I finally conclude that it’s real. It’s true! And then I realized the implications of that. Implications that have an impact on your life every single day.

Context is king – because it lays out the rest of the truth surrounding the core truth claim and gives it more meaning and clarity. If I don’t know the context, I’ll subconsciously assume what the context is, and those assumptions are often wrong. Given the full context upfront, we can interpret all new information based on the true context.

That’s essentially what we’re trying to do here. We’re going to be building something, brick by brick, that enables you to properly interpret past, present and current events in the proper context. This will be hard for many to accept because it doesn’t use the context that the vast majority of our culture uses. It’s not what you’re hearing over and over and over through media, the government, our universities and our entertainment.
If you have not read the book, take the time to read it. If you haven’t read the book and do not believe in God, look at it this way. You can invest a little time in reading a book that will, at a minimum, explain how millions of people in the world think, and why they act in the way they do. You should also gain an understanding of why many things in our world are playing out the way that they are. If you really give the concepts in the book serious contemplation, you might just understand the purpose for your life. And how big would that be!

Initially, everyone is reading the same content today. Shortly, the public and free version of DefendingTheFoundation.org will provide a summary version of the content while those who have signed up to be a Defender and receive the weekly newsletter will have access to a deeper dive into topics with more content. The intent is to have new articles and explanations at least weekly with the intention to move that to daily in the future.

This Dig Deeper section will take a deeper dive into explaining the concepts behind WITH (Why Is This Happening?!). In one of the other sections on this site, With Application to Current Events, each article will take a look at a specific event, set of events, trend, or way of thinking, and explain what is happening under the covers – what the real root cause of the cause of the cause is. The Q&A/Feedback section is your opportunity to pose questions and get them answered.

Here’s a few of the topics we could delve into in the future:

  • All current events are symptoms
  • The prevalence of lies
  • Once everything is labelled racist, how will we know what’s really racist?
  • A call to arms for pastors
  • Human nature hasn’t changed for 5,000 years. Use that understanding to predict the future
  • Interesting scientific evidences they haven’t told you about
  • Highlights of, and links to, other articles that provide compelling real-life evidence
  • Why everyone needs to understand the World Economic Forum’s agenda
  • How a handful of world-wide technology, government and banking powers could take control of the world any day
  • Start using the right measuring stick today
  • This week’s Measuring Stick Moment
  • Enemy tactics and how to fine tune your discernment
  • The case for argumentation

Stick with us and check back. As we get going, it will be very interesting.

If you haven’t read the book yet, you can order it here.

sign up for the weekly newsletter and become a Defender of the truth

If you’d like to sign up for the weekly newsletter and become a Defender of the truth, you can do that here. Your support helps us to grow and get the word out to more people. The ideas we have for impacting the culture are endless if we have the funds. Subscribers to the weekly newsletter will receive a more in-depth dive into current events and what’s really behind them. It’s much more than just a list of things going on in our world. The weekly newsletter evaluates the causes of these events and the causes of the causes. There will be regular application of Why Is This Happening?! principles to current events. It will give you a perspective you’re likely not hearing anywhere else.

Thank you for your support.


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