Your Action Items

Your Action Items

our world is changing much faster than it ever has

This is likely all a little overwhelming for you. You’re probably coming to grips with the fact that our world is changing much faster than it ever has, and you’re struggling to make sense of all of it. Do we have to just learn to deal with whatever is thrown at us? No! We can understand what is going on and why it’s happening. We can learn the root causes of everything and get a better understanding of what is coming next. Then we can get to work with others around us to preemptively affect the things that are about to happen.

Things you can do today to know the truth, interpret the times, and prevent many of these trends from determining what you can do, say and think in the future:

1. Know the truth

Get yourself a Bible and read it every day. It’s your source of truth directly from the creator of everything that is true in the universe. Listening to the majority opinion of the culture from social media and the main stream media will only distract you from the one true truth.

2. Read Why Is This Happening?!

In the book, I explain in detail what the causes are for the dramatic societal change and the root causes of it all. I explain how these causes manifest themselves and the effects of it. The book gets to the core roots of these causes in a way that you are not likely hearing anywhere else. Once you understand the complete context, the whole picture comes into focus and it all makes sense. You can order a copy here. I assure you that the insight you will gain is well worth the time.

3. Develop your relationship with God

There’s never a better time than now and the benefit is far beyond what you’ve likely imagined up until now. It requires time, just like a relationship with a spouse. You have to invest time in either relationship for it to grow. If it seems a little odd to talk with someone you can’t see, I’ll bet you’ve done it already. I have yet to meet anyone who has never asked God to help them out of a situation in the past. It took being in a situation like that in my past to drive me to the point of telling myself “If you’re going to pray to God to get you out of this mess, you ought to at least know if he’s real because otherwise you’re wasting your time.” After years of investigating that for myself, I concluded the evidence is overwhelming that he is real. I just hadn’t invested the time to develop my relationship with him.

4. Seek others who know the truth

You know how it’s easier to maintain a diet or a workout plan if you’re doing it with someone else? The same is true for learning the truth and living as though God’s word is true – because it is. If you’re not in one already, seek out a church that is unafraid to preach the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Their “What we believe” page should be easy to find on their website and it should very clearly state at a minimum that they believe:

  • In the triune God of the Bible
  • That the Bible is God’s inerrant word and it’s true from beginning to end
  • That we are saved by faith through the work that Jesus Christ has already done
  • That the Holy Spirit is also God and is the gift of God’s presence in us once we accept God into our heart
  • That heaven and hell are real as well as Satan himself
  • That biblical prophecy is also true, that all prophecy that has been fulfilled has been fulfilled as it was foretold and therefore all future prophecy will be fulfilled exactly as it has been foretold

5. Learn how solid the foundation of your faith is

Go to and research about the creation of the earth. Order a book or DVD and learn that true observational science supports a younger earth than what our government schools teach. Once you see the evidence that one of the foundational beliefs being propagated by our current culture is a lie, your eyes will be opened and your heart will yearn to know what else is a lie and what the truth actually is.

We’ll be adding to this list over time so be sure to come back next week and what other ideas we have.